How to find your dream move in the hidden executive job market

Early in my career, I accepted a new role, resulting from an ‘informal’ interview with a former colleague checking in to see what I was up to.

Research shows that I am not alone, with many executives securing their next move through similar means.

So how can you access the “hidden job market?”

 Here are nine strategies you can use to start to secure your dream move.

1. Research

Firstly, do your research.

Before you start, consider the types of role/s you would be the ideal fit for. If you are weighing up a transition to a new organisation or sector, you must consider what you bring that is uniquely different to others who you will be competing with.

Make a list of prospective employers – research company and industry websites, databases, newspapers etc.

2. Your elevator pitch

What do you stand for? What is your one undeniable ‘superpower’?

I’d recommend you develop your own ‘elevator pitch’ - when asked the “tell me about yourself” question, be prepared to talk to no more than three or four relevant points, addressing ‘why you.’

What is your purpose, and why are you best suited to the role you are looking for?

3. Access your existing network

Our friends, colleagues (former and present) and family are the most often overlooked network and perhaps the one of greatest value. It never fails to amaze me how we miss this as an avenue of opportunity.

Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job and the type of work you are looking for.

It helps to brainstorm ideas with family and friends and write down the people you know who can help.

4. Build an online presence

If you aren’t already active on ‘LinkedIn’ – make a start today.

Join relevant groups and start to follow discussions. Where appropriate, start to contribute and ask questions.

LinkedIn is more than a digital version of your resume, it is a place to network, build networks and share ideas.

5. Networking and events

With the world returning to physical events, now is your time to get out there and network.

This does not come naturally for all of us. I get it. I used to stand in the corner of the room, unsure of how to strike up a conversation with people I didn’t know.

Networking is like a muscle; the more you work at it, the stronger you will get.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to come away with x or y new contact, and try to have fun,

6. Join a professional association

Check to see if there is a professional association related to your industry or job. With Brisbane home to every profession, there will be an ecosystem for you to tap into.

7. Seek a mentor

One of the most important steps I took early in my career was to seek out a mentor. I now have three.

Many member bodies and professional associations run mentoring programs.

And as with those in your immediate network, you may have a mentor under your nose without realising it.

8. Directly approach employers

Directly approaching an employer without a referral is often seen as  ‘cold calling,’ yet it doesn’t have to be that way.

‘Warm calling ‘ through a referral or research can be a highly effective way of accessing the hidden job market.

In times such as today, your nearest competitor or prospective new employer may be looking for talent options – and a direct approach could yield you your dream job.

9. Executive recruitment firms

Employers often work with executive firms to succession plan or recruit for vacancies.

We’d recommend you seek direct recommendations from other executives in your network and research testimonials based on glassdoor, google and LinkedIn reviews.

Not all ‘executive’ recruitment firms are cut from the same cloth. We understand that whilst our approach works for many, it doesn’t for all. You need to feel that the person, team and firm you are working with ‘get you’ and are intrinsically aligned in purpose and aim.

Finally, landing your dream role in the hidden market requires good research and preparation.

Approach this like any full-time job, you will need to be persistent and resilient. Be flexible and see each career transition as an opportunity to build your skills and experience and develop your network toward your ultimate goal.

If you follow these nine steps, you will be better placed to access the hidden executive job market. Usually, you would do more than one of these simultaneously – if you get stuck, give any of our team a shout so that we can help you stay focused.

Good luck!


CEO Succession Planning