Queensland Corrective Services

Working at Queensland Corrective Services

Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) contributes to a fair, safe and just Queensland by managing custodial facilities and supporting the rehabilitation of offenders within and outside our facilities. We assist crime prevention through the humane containment, supervision and rehabilitation of offenders in correctional centres and the community.

Corrective services are a key responsibility of the Queensland Government,  and along with courts and the police, are a central component of the criminal justice system. QCS, in partnership with other key criminal justice agencies, is committed to the critical role of community safety and crime prevention.

QCS operates eleven high security and six low security correctional centres, as well as 35 probation and parole district offices and over 140 reporting locations across the State. These ensure that prisoners and offenders are provided with appropriate classification, supervision and access to programs, education and vocational training to maximise their chance of successful reintegration into society.

At Queensland Corrective Services we strongly believe in the need to work with people that value the goals of our organisation and who will thrive in our workplace. Our strategic objectives are:

About the Workforce Culture, Integrity and Capability Division

The Workforce Culture, Integrity and Capability division provides high-level services and advice to enable QCS to deliver correctional services to Queensland. With five business units, the Division delivers the following services:

  • Policy and Legal:  Legal strategy and advice, Right to Information / Privacy, Disciplinary Advice, Legislation co-ordination and advance, Operational Policy and Practice Development

  • First Nations and Cultural Capability: The First Nations and Cultural Capability Command, including the Murridhagun Cultural Centre, is a primary reference point and active support for matters designed to address the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, prisoners, offenders and victims and families.

  • People Capability:  Human Resources, Recruitment, Employee Relations, Culture Safety and Wellbeing, and QCS Training Academy

  • Professional Standards and Governance: Investigations, Audit and Assurance, Operational Inspection and Major Incident Review

  • Culture and Leadership: Supports all areas of QCS by fostering a culture of respect, professionalism, and ethical practice, for the workforce of now and the future.

The functions and responsibilities of this Division are complex, diverse, essential, and inter-related, encompassing people, culture and capability; professional standards, governance and inspections; First Nations policy; and policy and legal.  Each business unit is led by an Assistant Commissioner responsible for achieving strategic and operational remits for their specific professional area.

About the Policy and Legal Command

The purpose of the Policy and Legal Command is to establish and provide effective organisation-wide legal strategies, frameworks and advice, reflective of wider Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) operational policy development, service requirements and strategic direction.

The Policy and Legal Command consists of the following groups:

  • Legal Strategy Services Group: Workplace Law: Civil Litigation; Advice and Advocacy

  • Legislation Group: develops advice for the Minister, Commissioner and Executive Leadership Team on legislative reforms that are of interest to QCS or may impact on QCS’s operations and manages legislative projects from conception through to Parliamentary consideration

  • Operational Policy and Practice Group: Custodial Operations Practice Directives; Operational Practice Guidelines; and Deputy Commissioner Instructions.

  • Right to Information and Privacy Group: administering the department's obligations under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act).


Organisational Structure

Queensland Corrective Services is comprised of four divisions and the Office of the Commissioner:

  • Custodial Operations

  • Community Corrections and Specialist Operations

  • Organisational Capability

  • Workforce Culture, Integrity and Capability

QCS Vision

To enhance the safety of Queenslanders through modern, sustainable and evidence-based corrective services to maximise rehabilitation and reduce recidivism.

QCS Purpose

To provide safe, modern, and responsive correctional services which rehabilitate prisoners and offenders and prevent crime making Queensland safer.

Please visit our website for additional information about Queensland Corrective Services.

QCS Values

The following values underpin behaviours that will support, transform and enable better ways of working.


We are a responsive criminal justice agency, providing the highest standards of service delivery through diligence, efficiency, collaboration, sharing of knowledge and supporting our co-workers, stakeholders, the community, prisoners and offenders.


We inspire trust by acting ethically at all times, and acting with honesty and truthfulness.


We treat each other, prisoners and offenders with dignity and respect.

For confidential enquiries please contact:

Rachel Trombin, Associate, Luminary on 0424 900 041
or via email rachel.trombin@luminarypartners.com.au

Russell Fairbanks, Managing Director, Luminary, on 0457 667 765
or via email russell.fairbanks@luminarypartners.com.au

Applications close midnight, Friday 7th February 2024


About the Role